Green Tourism Business Scheme
The Green Tourism Business Scheme (GTBS) recognises places to stay and visit that are taking action to support the local area and the wider environment. Businesses opting to join GTBS are assessed by a qualified grading advisor against a rigorous set of criteria, covering a range of areas, like energy and water efficiency, waste management, biodiversity and more.
Those businesses that meet the required standard, receive a Bronze, Silver, or Gold award based on their level of achievement. The current network of members is comprised of a wide range of business types, including accommodation providers, visitor attractions, corporate offices and others. Businesses are judged every two years, the higher the level of award the more action that is being taken.
All GTBS award winners have demonstrated that they are taking action across a wide range of areas such as energy and water efficiency, waste reduction, support for local residents and suppliers, use of ethical products and contributing to wildlife and the environment.
For GTBS website click here.