Falmouth BID Renewal Key Dates

The key dates for the Falmouth BID Renewal 2018:

February 2018
Consultation with a cross section of levy paying businesses from across Falmouth to help inform the levy payer survey

May 2018
Draft questionnaire issued to all levy payers for views on projects and investment in the third five year term

June 2018
Friday 2nd June 2018 – closing date for all questionnaires
Analysis of feedback and final business plan drafted in response to businesses’ views

October 2018
Final business plan published and circulated to all levy paying businesses

November 2018
BID ballot papers issued and voting starts (28-day postal ballot)

December 2018
Close of postal ballot on Thursday 6th December 2018 at 5pm with result announced on Friday 7th December 2018

1st April 2019
If the vote is successful, the third five-year term of Falmouth BID investment in the town will commence