
Tugdock Limited has invented and holds a granted patent on the world’s first road transportable modular floating dry dock. This is a solution to the ‘where and how to build’ dilemma, as there are only a handful of drydocks or quaysides worldwide capable of building these immense structures.

Green energy provided by floating offshore wind turbines will see exponential growth over the next few years. The inventors of Tugdock have now been asked to utilise their skills and expertise to design and build gigantic floating platforms that can be used to assemble and launch colossal floating wind turbines as quick and straightforward as possible. The problem around port space and water depth is a common one, and Tugdock Limited will demonstrate their product in French waters in the summer of 2022.   

Director of Growth and Strategy – Lucas Lowe-Houghton – says, “Cornwall has a strong maritime heritage and I think it’s brilliant that we can show off not only our beautiful coastline but also its potential to provide clean energy through Floating Wind installed out in the Celtic Sea.» 

Contact details:

Email: lucas@tugdock.com
Phone: 07932702525
