Fishing in Falmouth
Whether you’re a serious angler, seasonal enthusiast or just fancy giving it a go, Falmouth is one of the best coastal spots for fishing in the UK! The sheer range of habitats in such close proximity – rocky and sandy shoreline, cove, creek, river, reef and wreck give rise to an impressive variety of species that can be easily accessed by boat or on foot.
Where to go
Off the rocks – there are some good rock marks around Pendennis Point, Gyllyngvase and Maenporth headlands but require care. Pendennis Point is a good area for wrasse and pollock, as is St Anthony’s Head which, on autumnal nights, is excellent for black bream.
Beach fishing – the Prince of Wales Pier, Falmouth fishes well at night for pollock, mackerel and flounder. Trefusis Point, Flushing for wrasse, pollock, mackerel and the occasional ray. Fish inshore off any of the Falmouth beaches or fish small live baits in deep and shallow waters to catch flatties, red and black bream, gurnard, weavers, rays, tope, dorys and varieties of wrasse.
What you can expect to find
On and offshore species will include Bass, Bream, Cod, Coalfish, Conger, Ling, Pollack, Ray, Shark and Turbot. Here’s a seasonal breakdown:
Bass – April to December (Best on Spring Tides)
Bream – June to October
Pollack – All year ( Largest specimens caught in February/March)
Cod – All year on the wrecks
Ling – April to October
Coalfish – January to April
Mackerel – May to October
Blue Shark – July to October ( Tag and Release )
Porbeagle Shark – March to October
Plaice and Rays – May to November
Useful contacts
St Mawes Sea Angling Club Mr P.A. Miller 01326 270953
Cornish Fishing Nigel Hodge 07976 974 616 `Wave Chieftan` charter boat fishing out of Falmouth. MCA Licenced for 12 passengers and 2 crew.
Leo I Ken Dodgson 01326 312409. Charter boat fishing up to 20 miles, out of Falmouth
Spirit of Cornwall , Dominic 01326 312895 , 07980 638469
Patrice II Michael Tuffery 01326 313265. Charter boat fishing up to 20 miles, out of Falmouth