D-Day Landings

Falmouth played a key part in the D-Day landings in Normandy during World War II.

Throughout 1943 and part of 1944, thousands Americans arrived in the Fal Estuary in preparation for the landings and set-up embarkation points in various areas around Falmouth. General Eisenhower stayed at Tolverne Cottage, also known as Smugglers Cottage, while the 27,000 American troops gathered in the Fal Estuary.

The Beacon area in Falmouth saw a makeshift army camp erected where the troops readied themselves to embark on ‘The Friendly Invasion’ on Omaha Beach in Normandy. The Americans were based there for practice with many of their manoeuvres taking place in the river Fal and local beaches.

A slipway was also built at Grove Place for landing craft to be loaded with troops and heavy transport.

Some of the other notable locations sited around Falmouth include Tolverne, Turnaware Point and the beach at Trebah Gardens on the Helford estuary.

You can find commemoration plaques throughout Falmouth at Turnaware Point, Falmouth Watersports marina, Tolverne and Trebah gardens.