Cornwall’s World Heritage Site

A variety of Cornish mining landscapes were on 13th July 2006 inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site placing Cornwall and west Devon’s historic mining world heritage on a par with such international treasures as Stonehenge, the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China.

The Site consists of the most authentic and historically significant surviving components of the Cornwall and west Devon mining landscape from the period 1700 to 1914. The landscape is a testament to the profoundly important process of pioneering metal mining and to the innovations that had a key influence on the mining world at large during the nineteenth century.There are ten areas in the World Heritage Site and these can be found at:

1 St Just Mining District
2 Gwennap Mining District, Kennall Vale and Perran Foundry
3 Port of Hayle
4 St Agnes Mining District
5 Tregonning and Trewavas Mining District
6 Luxulyan Valley & Charlestown
7 Wendron Mining District
8 Caradon Mining District
9 Camborne & Redruth Mining District
10 Tamar Valley & Tavistock

On a visit around these regions, you will see the fascinating remains of industrialisation that include imposing engine houses, industrial harbours and tramways, foundries, grand houses and gardens of the mineral lords as well as miners’ smallholdings.

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